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Squash Verband

Stellungnahme des DSQV Präsidenten

Squash nicht zu Olympia 2016

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Soeben hat uns der offizielle Newsletter des PSA Weltverbandes erreicht, darin wurde verkündet, dass Squash nicht bei der Olympiade 2016 aufgenommen wird. Squash ist damit noch vor Endrunde ausgeschieden. Im Oktober stehen nun Golf und Rugby zur Wahl.

Inhalt des Newsletters:

WSF President Responds to IOC Executive Board Announcement

A statement from World Squash Federation President N Ramachandran in response today's IOC Executive Board Announcement

"I speak for the whole sport when I say that we are hugely disappointed that the IOC Executive Board has not selected Squash to face the wider IOC vote in Copenhagen in October.

"I believe that Squash has come a long way in the last four years, not just in order to try and gain Olympic inclusion but for the benefit of the sport as a whole. We have invested in developments and listened to players at all levels in order to help progress the sport.

"I believe that, through this, we have been able to take Squash to a new level. Although we will not see our dream of being part of the Olympic Games from 2016, we will continue to improve the sport wherever possible, and will not give up on the belief that Squash is deserving of, and ready for, Olympic status."

Stellungnahme des Präsidenten

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